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J'ai tué ma mère

(I Killed My Mother)

Country: Canada


Language: French


Genres: Drama, Romance, Psychological, Biography


Tags: Gay relationship, Homosexuality, Friendship, Mother and son 


Eng subtitles ?: Yes


Duration: 1hr. 36 min.


Published Date: 15 July 2009 (France)


Cast: Fits well to the roles and author (Xavier Dolan/Hubert Minel) is very handsome 


Acting: realistic


Ending: satisfactory


Romantic scenes: one love scene, kisses


Music: fits well


Story: A semi-autobiographical story about young homosexual Hubert, who has problems with his mother. Hubert Minel hates his mother Chantale. They're different and can't stand each other, but paradox is that they still love each other so much. Hubert grew up just with his mother and his father wasn't interested in him. Hubert is very talented artist enjoying his youth, discovers beauty of art and his sexuality. His mother found out that he's homosexual by a mistake, but his sexuality isn't a problem in their situation and just his boyfriend, teacher and art keep him alive.


Opinion: One of the most touching stories I know. I cried a lot and I realized how much I love my mother (and father of course). I wanted to see it from the first time I found out that this movie is autobiography and Xavier wrote it at his 16. I was surprised, because he must be really talented, if he did almost everything. We can see here that doesn't matter how much you hate your parents because of something, but you'll always love them somehow. I think Hubert and his mother had psychical problems like bipolary or something like that, because they acted like that.


Recommendation: For people which wants to see psychologic, autobiography or homosexual movie, It'll be good choise. And if you have fight with your parents watch this, because you'll maybe realize how much you love your parents.


Rewatch ?: I think that I'll remember this film and I don't need to watch it again, but if I someday will have problem with my parents, I'll watch this movie again.



Hubert: What would you do if I died today? 
Chantale: I'd die tomorrow. 


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