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Father and Son

Country: Thailand


Genres: Supernatural, Life, Family, Tragedy, Romance, Mature


Tags: Suicide, Cheating, Father and son, Gay couple, Fatherly love


Eng subtitles ?: Yes


Duration: 1 hr. 24 min.


Published Date: Dec 11, 2015


Cast: Good


Acting: Well played


Ending: Happy


Romantic scenes: kisses, hot love scenes, sweet moments


Music: Good


Story: Gay couple wanted to have baby. They found a woman, which will help them with having baby. After 9 months, she went to give them baby. She found out, that she must give baby to a gay couple (I don't understand, that she didn't know for which couple the baby is). She declined and run away with baby. Both of them followed her and one of them died in a car accident. Dad of the baby Aek had to raise his son Nueng alone. Nueng was bullied, because he is child of gays. He hated his father because of that. He found boyfriend (Yes, he is gay like his father), but his boyfriend died and Nueng committed suicide. Aek wanted to kill himself. But someone went to him and tell, that he can save his son by bringing him to the past. He had nothing to lose, so he did it. He didn't succeed and his son died again. The mysterious man gave him another, another and another chance. He succeeded on the fourth attempt. And his son started to love him and ignore all bull shits about his father. So in the end, this story had sweet end.


Opinion: I thought, this movie will be about father and son, which fall in love with each other. But I was wrong :D ... Never mind. I laughed and cried so much. That was sad and sometimes funny too. I can say, that this movie was original and different from the others boys love. I think, I won't rewatch it, but worth watching for me :).


Recommendation: Yes, this movie is good, funny and has a happy ending. Watch it.

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